Aims & Objectives
This project aimed to identify agreed essential CPD requirements for an EU graduate dentist and provide guidelines for the management and delivery of high quality CPD by European dental schools.
The specific objectives were to:
- Produce an inventory of existing CPD programs and providers, agreeing essential components and identifying areas of best practice.
- Develop guidelines for dental schools on organisation and quality management of CPD programs, including methodology, innovative delivery modes and desired learning outcomes.
- Provide guidelines for dental schools to deliver competence-based CPD, employing modern technological advances in pedagogy and develop an exemplar teaching module on a core CPD topic.
1. Inventory of existing CPD programs and providers and agreement on core components. This was achieved though literature and internet research and a questionnaire devised by the Task Group and circulated to European Dental Schools, professional associations and other dental educational stakeholders. Creation of a database of existing dental CPD programs/courses and providers and include information on accreditation and assessment systems.
2. Guidelines for dental schools on the organisation and quality management of CPD programs for graduate dentists, including innovative modes of delivery, teaching methods, assessment and pedagogic guidelines for dental educators.
3. Development of an exemplar competence-based teaching module on a core topic, including content, delivery, assessment methods, pedagogy and quality assurance accompanied by specific guidelines for its implementation; in addition to the creation of more general guidelines and recommendations for the development of such CPD modules for the dental professionals.
4. A Dental CPD Reference Manual on the current status of the management and delivery of CPD to graduate dentists across the EU. This Manual collated all outputs of the project.